
The Great Coffee and Diabetes Experiment (and Blood Sugar Effect) - meyerdencen1959

You might say that I take my coffee pretty seriously.

Don't even entertain interrogatory ME to do anything successful before I've had at least one cup in the break of the day, and you'd be quite misguided to think that's the only uncomparable I'll cost enjoying as the day moves along.

Hey, coffee is even as essential for me as insulin! I jest, course, but you get how serious I am astir my coffee…

Yes, I've been cherishing coffee for more than cardinal decades at present since I was a adolescent. For those keeping track, this fixation began nearly 10 years after my diagnosing with type 1 diabetes at age 5. And it corresponds with my start in the journalism and newspapering world — those high school and college years when deadlines were calling and caffeine unbroken me going. (It's a well-known fact that journalists wassail the about coffee.)

I wear't believe coffee compact my blood sugars much when I was younger, but then once again I didn't watch IT very closely. Not until new did I take the time to real search the coffee bean-rip sugar connection.

Of course, I Googled it. And who could miss all the splashy headlines happening "diabetes and coffee," like a recent wave of articles about how coffee can reduce the put on the line of character 2 and how IT affects masses with diabetes in different ways? These mostly just quote the Saami general stats and lingo that shuffle United States of America want to roll our eyes and move on; they aren't the "real stories" that most of us are so hungry to find, about how burnt umber really does play into our daily struggles with stemma sugar.

I'm finally just like a sho making the effort to many methodically analyze this issue for myself.

Maybe it's a symptom of my longtime type 1, but I've ne'er enjoyed "polluting" my coffee with skim, milk, sugar, or artificial sweetener. Uck… No, thanks! I'm a guy World Health Organization likes his coffee black, which is fortunate in this I'm not tempted to add anything in my coffee that may encourage my rake sugars unnecessarily.

{Fellow Coffee Lovers: If you'ray in need of your own cupful or warm up, Here's a good chance — go on, I'll wait…}

A few long time ago when I was going through a industrious diabetes monitoring phase, I wondered about coffee. So I paid a bit more attention and noticed that it seemed to raising my lineage sugars some in the morning hours. But that may have got been caused also by Dawn Phenomenon, making my glucose numbers rise in any case, and/or aside inaccurate carb-counting the night before.

Doing both basal examination, it eventually became clear that my sugars were rising along a "typical Clarence Day," which always enclosed mickle coffee consumption. I wasn't sure if caffeine was causation the trouble, but decided to increase my basal rates by about 50% for two or three hours in the mornings, and got to the point where I could maintain a flat line if all else was in line (IF being the operative word here!). There were also times I'd take a a copulate additional units and spread them out over a couple of hours, and that too seemed to puzzle out.

But what if I wasn't exploitation my insulin pump?

During one of my insulin pump hiatuses was in reality the front time I noticed my blood sugars were definitely going up more when I consumed black coffee only didn't compensate with insulin. A couple of units of insulin mid-morn would usually exercise the trick.

Good stuff to love, for whatsoever type 1 deep brown devotee!

My Great Coffee Experiment of 2015

Right away recently, I've been more than nearly tracking this Coffee Effect as information technology relates to my descent sugars.

With the new twelvemonth, my married woman and I have been functioning to eat better and live healthier — especially since Feb. 1 pronounced my 36th natal day, so it's long knightly the point where I should exist concentrating on this…

For the tense of pair weeks, I got serious nigh it, cutting down on coffee berry consumption to make tracking easier. And afterwards well-nig 10 years of CGM information analysis and coffee trial and erroneous belief, I terminated my line of descent sugars rise as much as 50 points on a relinquished twenty-four hours due to coffee.

As if by magic, I didn't fall over dead from coffee berry withdrawal (jolly awesome to me!) And rather than feel pressured to write everything down, I snapped a entire clump of photos, with this one capturing what I saw as a trend during this experiment:

  • A couple of years without whatsoever coffee while hooked up to my insulin pump: As far as I could tell, wholly separate factors that can pile with BGs aside, I unquestionably didn't rise as much equally I usually do when drinking coffee.
  • A few years with coffee, while pumping (two with high basal rate; one with "non-coffee" basal): This flic shows how my glucose fared when the basal rates had coffee factored in: pretty well!
  • Deuce days without coffee and no more pump, but injections: Wow – I didn't catch any of the typical mid-to-latterly dayspring BG spikes.
  • Two years with chocolate, on injections (cardinal with bolus, one without): Yep, saw a boost when there wasn't any insulin to fighting the caffeine. Course, on that point may cause also been some Dawn Phenom at play, only I don't know for steady…

Obviously, it's pretty near impossible to control for every early factor and be able to say with 100% sure thing that stress, the brave out, or the trail's as-wagging didn't play into my BG shifts. But for the most part, I think these 10 days gave me a good theme of what the Coffee Effect does to me. Caffeine makes me expire up, non dramatically, but significantly.

No, this changes nothing about my coffee-drinking habits and just reinforces what I was jolly certain of in front: that I need a little insulin advance when coffee's at play. And I'd much rather calculate that into my base rates than ingest an extra bolus by shot, if possible.

With everything agnatic to diabetes, Your Diabetes May Depart, and medical opinions do besides; several experts call caffein does not affect blood glucose, but others state with authority that "caffeine makes it hard for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar."

That's wherefore I think information technology's important for us PWDs (hoi polloi with diabetes) to do these concrete-world experiments and share our results. And piece we'Ra waiting, we can catch up another loving cup before Reading through and through the stories PWDs share.

Sounds like healthy burnt umber and conversation to Pine Tree State!

Mike Hoskins is Managing Editor of DiabetesMine. He was diagnosed with eccentric 1 diabetes at age five in 1984, and his mammy was also diagnosed with T1D at the Lapplander young age. He wrote for various day-after-day, weekly and strength publications before joining DiabetesMine. Microphone lives in Southeast Michigan with his married woman Suzi and their black lab, Riley.


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