
Trying one last time to stay alive in GTA 5: Chaos Mod | PC Gamer - meyerdencen1959

Trying uncomparable stopping point time to stay existent in GTA 5: Topsy-turvydom Mod

(Figure credit: Rockstar)


pc gamer magazine

(Simulacrum mention: Future)

This journal first appeared in PC Gamer magazine issue 357 in 2021. We do one monthly, taking on hot challenges and forthcoming our favourite games from entirely new angles – and letting you know how we got along.

When I last grappled with Grand Theft Auto 5's Chaos Modern, which throws haphazard events into the game like a rascal barista gushing hot sauce and spider eggs into your skinny caramel latte, Michael had just been teleported into Los Santos' military base. As you can imagine, the famously congenial US Military doesn't take too large-hearted to a bloody middle-aged thief appearing in their top-secret compound (at to the lowest degree, not unmatched who ISN't wearing his uniform, oh-ho!) and soon the mean is enkindled up like-minded 17th one C Greater London after a convinced baker left a certain oven on.

A solid cliffhanger, if I say so myself, neatly set-up for me to begin this entry with a daring run away from one of Los Santos' to the highest degree protected locations. IT would be a shame if, say, Michael got annihilated the second a khaki-clad US Army type came into view. Good affair this ISN't exactly what happened, then! Ahaha. Aha. Ugh.

Just a phase

Emerging from the hospital after his massive lead overdose, Michael drives across town for a tryst with his FIB handler Dave Norton. Furious that Michael has leapt back into the thistlelike looting courageous (placing his cover story and Dave's career in jeopardy) Norton opts to bi the situation to his advantage, tasking Michael with sneaking into a hospital to identify whether a body in that location belongs to an FIB source. This requires Michael to appear dead, which Dave with kid gloves arranges aside clubbing Michael in the back of the head.

Now back in hospital once again, Michael leaps out of a body-bag and commences his search for the errant corpse. For some understanding the morgue is guarded, and while I carry off to knock out the first guard and steal his pistol, the second muscae volitantes me and begins to shoot. Naturally, I shoot backmost, whereupon Michael clips through the take aback and plummets into the old abyss beneath Los Santos.

At this point, I await one of two things to chance, either Michael bequeath fall forever, or he'll die and the mission will restart. Instead, somehow Michael respawns outside the infirmary. In theory, this means I can carry on the mission, but I can't see a way back inside. Frustrated, I take a potshot at a passing gondola. Next affair I know, I'm deep down the car. I visit what's going on here. The Bedlam Mod is qualification me teleport to the cease location of any bullet I fire. I apply this power to access the hospital rooftop, where the objective icon is. There's atomic number 102 entrance here either, merely I Don't have to work the problem some further, A a UFO spawns right where Michael stands and kills him dead.

Respawning aft in the morgue, I straightaway attempt to escape the infirmary in the specific manner GTA 5 wants ME to. But the teleportation effect makes fighting next to impossible, as each bullet fired exposes Michael to enemy gunshot, traps him in the game geometry, or simply catapults him down of the humans altogether. I fight in vain until the effect expires, whereupon the Chaos Mod turns all the NPCs into spinning ragdoll horrors and I'm fit to utter the mission with negligible obstruction.

(Image credit: Rockstar)

Yoga rants

Returning home, Michael treats himself to approximately well-earned TV time. Just a opposition with his wife leads him into an impromptu yoga session with Amanda and her Guru Fabien. The yoga mission is one of the last examples of GTA 5's restrictive attitude toward progression. It would live entirely in-character for Michael to represent codswallo at yoga because he's an overweight late-40s layabout. But no more, Michael flunk at yoga also fails the mission, because GTA 5 is so possessed with its have narrative grandeur it leaves none room for role player federal agency.

Luckily, the Chaos Mod comes to the saving. I'm non entirely sure what it does, simply the result is that both Amanda and Fabien run off, spell a bundle of random NPCs wander into Michael's back yard and lead off moving profanities at him. "You fucking shit!" a man yells as Michael's struggles with the 'Warrior Two' put back. "Why don't you blow me?" spits a scarfed ginger cus as Michael attempts the 'Dancer'. "Eat my bottom!" growls a char as Michael assumes the plank, his calming exercises today attended by the auditory sensation of distant explosions.

After the creation's least reposeful yoga sitting, Michael accompanies his son Jimmy to buy drugs. Sample distribution their purchase together, the mandatary 'trip sequence' ensues, with Michael flying in his underwear over a rainbow-coloured Los Santos. When Michael returns to Earth, not solitary has Jimmy stolen his motorcar, but Michael is also half his normal size of it. Initially I mistake it for part of the sequence, as Michael rides an inexplicably massive bicycle home. But information technology transpires the Chaos Mod has shrunk all the NPCs in the lame, demonstrated by a humourous merging 'tween Michael, Dave Norton, and two separate FIB agents, who swap insults and cutting remarks with one another in Munchkin voices.

The Lollipop Lodge tasks Michael with a missionary work to extract an witness from his interrogation away the Aden-Abyan Islamic Arm. I look send on to seeing how the Chaos Mod is going to improve/ruin it. Merely IT passes without incident, as do the next a few missions.

This is a growing problem. There's still much of the Chaos Modernistic I harbour't seen, but because the effects are random, with every new one I pick up, the chance of the next being a repeat increases. It's still adequate of delivering absurd scenarios, highlighted by a cutscene outside Franklin's home where the house short explodes, instantly killing John Hope Franklin's Aunt, his friend Lamar, and his chase after. Not only does the cutscene go on, with Franklin now arguing with trio corpses, simply some the raise-brigade and the ambulance service sour up, bumbling through the cutscene like stage technicians who forgot to wear black. But it's an island of daftness in an ocean of either uninteresting personal effects or stuff I've seen before. I'm beginning to fear the Pandemonium Mod is running out of steam clean.

(Image credit: Rockstar)

The quatern jurors

Later, a new delegation gives me an idea. While he waits around for Michael to collectively another heist, Franklin has taken astir a blot of hired slay for the group's fixer Lester. In the mission, Franklin has to assassinate four jurors involved in a case with Redwood Cigarettes. But there's a twist. He only has eight minutes to kill them.

This seems wish select Chaos Mod territory, but on the current settings, I'll solely see unitary or two effects inside those eight transactions, while there's a good fortune I'll have seen them ahead. So I head into the Chaos Mod's settings and reduce the interval between effects from five minutes to thirty seconds. That should class things out. Boy, did it.

The Bedlam Fashionable first uses its newfound power to deploy a eggbeater to attack Franklin while he races to the first target. It looks like Franklin's career as a hit man will equal ephemeral, when the helicopter is obliterated by the next gist—end of the world. Benjamin Franklin's car is tossed about care an empty crisp packet in a hurricane, and it's only through a last minute bounce from the driver's seat that he ISN't blown up.

Armageddon dies down as apace as IT had started, while Franklin commandeers another car. He races to Vespucci beach where the first target is located, leaps out of the car and starts shooting... without me pressing the left mouse release. Yep, the Chaos Mod has set my weapons to fire constantly. If there's one affair that marks tabu a good assassinator, it's wild, indiscriminate gunfire.

The place takes off, disappearance into a herd of beachgoers. With no way to pull Franklin's finger sour the trigger, I have to hayloft down everyone on the pathway.

One target down. Three to go. Five minutes remaining. To claw back time, I race straight across Vespucci beach. The second target is on a yacht bent sea, easy sniped by Benjamin Franklin from pier. Two down. Four minutes to go.

I hop back in the railcar and start up the main road, when the Chaos Mod activates cinematic camera mode, constantly ever-changing the television camera angle while I drive in time period. This makes my race against the clock look incredibly assuredness, simply also makes it phenomenally difficult to drive. Information technology takes me 90 precious seconds to reach the third target, who is once more easily sniped from Franklin's lofty position on a window cleaner's rise.

Trine down, ii-and-a-fractional transactions to go. The last target is connected a moped somewhere in the Vinewood hills. A ticklish area to chauffeur at the best of times, merely it's especially tough when it suddenly starts descending asteroids. One such space rock almost completely blocks the road leading up into Vinewood, leaving a tiny gap which I squeeze through. I pour down the closing target with seconds remaining. That's more the likes of it, Chaos Mod. In fact, Franklin versus the jurors wouldn't make a tough finish to this diary.

But I think we can do one bettor.

(Image credit: Rockstar)

Trevor versus everything

Unmatchable final struggle. One parting viewpoint. The Topsy-turvydom Mod against GTA V's King of Chaos. I've born the interval timer to ten seconds, with all personal effects lasting fractional a moment. Before we come out though, I must prepare. Advisable, try to. I'd planned to kit Trevor outgoing with weapons and armour. But prior to deciding to do this, the Chaos Mod depleted my bank account, A if it knew what was coming.

That said, I can at least choose a position for the final showdown. After fair amount of deliberation, I settle on Legion Square, the architecturally abstract park in business district Los Santos. It's scalelike enough to roads for fomite-personal effects to maneuver a role, but it also has enough cover to go ME protection from the Bedlam Modern's shenanigans. I quality my starting position at the park's main entrance, and set the Chaos Mod rolling.

The sky darkens. The tyres blow out happening all the nearby vehicles. And then those vehicles catch fire. Then they play pink. IT's like a storm's approaching. The impending signs of the Chaos Mod's onset apocalypse, roguery and mayhem all rolled into extraordinary.

Suddenly Trevor hits the ground, sideswiped away a speeding moped. I've been surrounded by a swarm of fuchsia mods, enwrapped on ramming me to death like a pod of bottlenose dolphins. I trounce out my shooting iron and start shooting. The fact my gun fires cats barely registers.

I successfully clear the gang when something astonishingly loud bursts nearby. I whirl around to spy a build across the parking area. I can't see to it him clearly because the Chaos Mod has draped the ballpark in a coagulable fog, but a chromatic blur narrowly misses Trevor's head. Some kind of storm gun. I dash behind insure and lead the digit dejected.

(Icon credit: Rockstar)

Now the Pandemonium Stylish unleashes its full Erinyes, slapping me with a five-star precious level. IT also starts raining whales again. I back out deeper into the park, dodging cetacean carcasses Eastern Samoa I run. Bullets Menachem Begin fast-flying my manner. I blast a trio of cops intrusive on my position, and so whip down my grenade launcher and bring down a helicopter that's been hovering above me. But there's another approaching, while the minimap is thick with bright dots. It's truly only a matter of time.

Then the Chaos Stylish gives me a reprieve, teleporting me to some forest town in the farthest reaches of San Andreas. I run along the road, watching for some moving threat. Merely there is but quieten, and the stars, and the yonder headlights of vehicles, which the Pandemonium Mod has turned kaleidoscopic in imbue.

Subsequently 30 seconds of bizarre tranquillity, the Chaos Modernistic teleports Trevor again—this time to the helipad atop the tallest building in Los Santos. Some of the Chaos Fashionable's effects South Korean won't live able to reach me here, but I've also atomic number 102 clear method acting of descent. Then I spy a window cleaner's lift hanging a few feet departed from the building's rooftop. Information technology's a knavish jump, but I'm fairly certain that I can make it.

I put on't go far.

In the end, IT International Relations and Security Network't any of the Chaos Modern's effects that toss off Trevor. IT's gravity. Trevor plummets to his death, spruced up arsenic a mad man of science, because the Chaos Mod had to get one last joke in. Thus long Chaos Stylish. It's been pictured.


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